OCB Supports Early Career Participants in Cornell Satellite Remote Sensing Training Program

OCB Supports Early Career Participants in Cornell Satellite Remote Sensing Training Program 2024 Michelle Wagner is in her first year of master’s study at the City College of New York. Her research interest is in monitoring the responses of coastal systems to natural and anthropogenic stressors. After graduating from the City College of New York, […]


Apply now to the Leaky Deltas workshop in March 2025

OCB Scoping Workshop Leaky Deltas: Sources or sinks in the global carbon cycle? March 17-20, 2025 at Louisiana State Univ. (Baton Rouge, LA) River deltas and the adjacent coastal ocean are critical interfaces between terrestrial and oceanic environments. Deltas are the entry point of ~50% of the fresh water and 40% of all global particulate […]


MetaEuk webinar August 27

Save the date for the next Meta-eukomic webinar August 27 at 2:00-3:30 pm EDT Speakers: Sarah Smith (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories), Ryan Groussman (Univ. Washington) Register


Seeking community feedback on applications of GLIMR

The Geostationary Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer (GLIMR) mission will be NASA’s first geostationary, hyperspectral ocean color sensor to study ocean processes at the spatial and temporal scales required to observe the dynamic ecological, biogeochemical and physical processes typical of coastal and ocean waters. We would like to invite you to fill out a short survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GLIMR), to provide […]


NOAA NESDIS Oceans and Water Satellite Symposium

Learn more about GeoXO and the future of hyperspectral ocean color. If you are interested in the use of cutting-edge remote sensing technology to monitor the health of oceans, estuaries, lakes, and rivers, we highly encourage your participation.  July 29, 11-4 EDT Learn more and register (in person and virtual) HERE


Thank you for a stimulating and successful OCB2024!

We enjoyed OCB2024 so much! Workshop recordings will be available later this summer on the OCB YouTube Channel.


New Publication from Mixotrophs & Mixotrophy Working Group members

Learn more about this working group here.


Dive into the 10y review of the OCB program and related science!


Submit OCB-relevant sessions for AGU and other upcoming meetings

Are you organizing a session at an ASLO, OSM, AGU, or other large meeting? Submit your OCB-relevent session via this OCB form to share them with the community.  


Recent Science Highlights

An unexpected shift to a later phytoplankton bloom in the West Antarctic Peninsula

Polar regions are changing: warming, losing sea ice, and experiencing shifts in the phenology of seasonal events. Global models predict that phytoplankton blooms will start earlier in these warming polar environments. What we don’t know is will this be true for all high-latitude regions? Is the timing of phytoplankton growing season moving earlier in the […]


Inorganic carbon outwelling as important blue carbon sink

Blue carbon ecosystems—mangroves, saltmarshes, and seagrass meadows—carbon sequestration powerhouses that can help us mitigate climate change. For many years, our community has focused on studying and quantifying organic carbon storage in the soils of these ecosystems and crediting it as Blue Carbon in carbon markets. A new paper in Nature Communications reveals that much of […]


New algorithm unclogs major bottleneck in ocean geochemical and biogeochemical modelling

Numerical models are some of the principal tools for understanding the cycling of geochemical and biogeochemical tracers in the ocean, with the latter also being important components of the Earth System Models used to project future climate change. However, in order to use these models they must first be integrated to a seasonally-repeating equilibrium with […]


Looking for easy data access to high quality time-series data? SPOTS is out!

Whether we aim to disentangle anthropogenic driven trends from naturally variability or we want to assess and improve our ocean model’s capabilities to correctly display changes in time, all require high-quality observational data from multiple fixed time-series data. Until now access to these data was difficult, time-consuming, and often required solving multiple data challenges before […]


Mixotrophs in the northern North Atlantic

Mixotrophs (or mixoplankton) are now accepted as a third group of plankton alongside phytoplankton and zooplankton. Our knowledge of mixotrophs lags far behind that of the other two groups. We currently have only a limited understanding of mixotrophs’ biogeographical distribution across ocean basins, and what environmental factors are associated with their distribution. The authors of […]


Carbon sequestration by the biological pump is not exclusive to the deep ocean

The biological carbon pump plays a key role in ocean carbon sequestration by transporting organic carbon from the upper ocean to deeper waters via three broad processes: the sinking of organic particles, vertical migration of organisms, and physical mixing. Most studies assume that century-scale carbon sequestration occurs only in the deep ocean, thus have missed […]

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