Project Office Roles
- Coordinates interdisciplinary community activities (workshops, working groups, training activities, synthesis, etc.)
- Serves as a central communication hub (web, e-newsletter, social media) to share scientific news, funding and job opportunities, research highlights, etc.
- Leads and engages with relevant national and international science planning initiatives
- Facilitates training and networking opportunities and engages early career scientists in OCB and partner program activities (travel support, networking, mentoring, etc.

Heather Benway, Executive Officer
With two graduate degrees in oceanography, Heather's research has focused on nutrient cycling and paleoceanography, both highly interdisciplinary areas involving the complex interplay between marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry. She also has federal agency program management experience and a broader interest in scientific planning and policy, which is why she joined the OCB Project Office in 2007 upon completing postdoctoral research at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Mai Maheigan, Community Engagement Manager
Mai ("May") studied coral reef ecology for her graduate work then pursued her interest in communication strategy and science writing at the NOAA Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and two marine conservation nonprofits before joining the OCB project office in 2016. She manages the websites, social media, eNewsletter, YouTube channel, and supports small group workshops, trainings, and workshop activities.
Mary Zawoysky, Administrative Associate
Mary graduated from Carlow College in Pittsburgh, PA with a double major in art and business management, and has taken many science courses afterwards which led her to a research assistant position at WHOI with Jean Whelan. She was then recruited to the administrative position with the U.S. JGOFS office and now works half-time for the OCB office. Mary is responsible for logistics for meeting planning, some web site responsibilities, accounting and anything else that comes up in support of OCB.