OCB2024 in person and online June 10-13

In person registration for OCB2024 is full and the waitlist is available, virtual registration remains open.. This year we have new equity-minded guidelines to help make this workshop accessible to an even broader audience.

Every year, the OCB workshop registration fill very quickly. Often, this means that people who are not "in the know" miss out. To make the best of our limited seating capacity and ensure that as many people as possible benefit from the cross-disciplinary scientific discourse and networking that this workshop provides, we have the following rules this year:

1) Maximum of three people per lab/research group - Please discuss this within your group and decide who will attend--think about who, based on their career stage, will benefit the most from this networking opportunity.

2) Prioritize senior-level (3+ years into graduate program) graduate students - this student demographic contributes to and benefits the most from OCB workshops. [If you have an extenuating circumstance, please discuss with Heather, hbenway@whoi.edu].

3) In person attendees need to be present at the full workshop/all days - if you are only planning to participate in one or two sessions, please join via Zoom instead and save that seat for someone who can be benefit from being in person the whole time.

Find more about the plenary sessions and register for your spot at OCB2024.