An OCB and US CLIVAR Report (November 2019)
In 2018 an external review committee convened to assess US GO-SHIP, an affiliate of international GO-SHIP, which performs global ship-based decadal surveys to collect, document, and store high precision and full depth hydrographic and biogeochemical data from the global ocean. The review committee assessed program planning, progress, and opportunities in collecting, providing, and synthesizing high quality hydrographic data to advance the scientific research goals of US CLIVAR and OCB. The review included a in depth community survey to gauge the effectiveness and value of US GO-SHIP operations, products and science and seeks to find opportunities to strengthen these in the future, over 100 responses were submitted as detailed in the new report.
US GO-SHIP External Review Committee
Frederick Bingham, U. North Carolina, Wilmington, chair
Susan Wijffels, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Matt Mazloff, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Galen McKinley, Columbia U.
Norm Nelson, U. California, Santa Barbara
Laurie Juranek, Oregon State U.
Supported by the OCB and US CLIVAR project offices