The 2014 OCB Summer Science Workshop was held July 21-24, 2014 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, MA.
1. Plenary Sessions
Monday, July 21, 2014
The Coupled North Atlantic-Arctic System: Processes and Dynamics
The North Atlantic-Arctic circulation and its responses and links to climate variability are the focus of international and U.S. research programs. Recently, this focus has expanded to include biogeochemical and ecosystem processes and their sensitivities and responses to climate and circulation variability. The interdisciplinary research needed to investigate the North Atlantic and Arctic circulation, climate, and ecosystem function and associated variability requires collaborative international research programs. An international planning workshop, co-sponsored by NSF and the European Union (EU), was held in April 2014 with the goal of developing a core science vision and detailed science plan to guide the next phase of research focused on the coupled North Atlantic-Arctic system. This session will report the results of the planning workshop and provide plenary presentations that outline the basis for the development of overarching science questions and research directions for a research program focused on the North Atlantic-Arctic system. Confirmed speakers for this session so far include Dennis McGillicuddy (WHOI), Andrey Proshutinsky (WHOI), Paty Matrai (Bigelow), Tatiana Rynearson (URI), Jim Overland (NOAA/PMEL), Y-O Kwon (WHOI), Andy Pershing (GMRI), and Jeremy Mathis (NOAA/PMEL).
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Biological Pump: Transport Mechanisms and Mesopelagic Processes
The biological pump represents a critical component of the ocean carbon cycle. In the past 1-2 decades, advances in ocean observing (e.g., autonomous platforms) and analytical (e.g., -omics techniques) capabilities have helped to better quantify key vertical fluxes and describe with unprecedented detail the roles of biota associated with these fluxes. A community effort focused on the biological pump called EXPORTS may potentially be funded by NASA, so this science session is a timely review of what we’ve learned since JGOFS and where we are headed in the future. This session will include a set of talks focused on transport mechanisms, including passive transport, vertical migration, and physical delivery of DOM, and how our understanding has advanced since JGOFS. A second set of talks will focus on biological and biogeochemical processes in the mesopelagic zone. Confirmed speakers for this session so far include Debbie Steinberg (VIMS), Adrian Burd (UGA), Carol Arnosti (UNC), Craig Carlson (UCSB), Ken Buesseler (WHOI), Ben Van Mooy (WHOI), Stephanie Wilson (Bangor Univ.), Christina De La Rocha (Univ. Brest), Alyson Santoro (UMCES), Santiago Hernández-León (Univ. Las Palmas), Henry Bittig (GEOMAR), and Sarah Giering (NOC).
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Advances in our Understanding of the Role of Sea Ice in the Global Carbon Cycle
The polar oceans are undergoing rapid changes, with globally significant implications. Sea ice plays a fundamental role in the transport and storage of carbon and biogenic gases in the polar oceans. This session will focus on our current understanding of the role of sea ice in the global carbon cycle. Confirmed speakers for this session so far include Manfredi Manizza (SIO), Brice Loose (URI), Ted Maksym (WHOI), Nick Bates (BIOS), Clara Deal (UAF), and Bruno Delille (FRS-FNRS).
The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI): Opportunities for the OCB Community
2. Agenda with Talks and Webcast Footage
Monday July 21, 2014
8:30 Welcome and introduction – Craig Carlson (UCSB), Heather Benway (OCB/WHOI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Plenary Session. The Coupled North Atlantic-Arctic System: Processes and Dynamics
Chairs: Eileen Hofmann (ODU), Jeremy Mathis (NOAA/PMEL), Mike Roman (UMCES/HPL), Barney Balch (Bigelow)
Part 1. Introduction
8:40 An international North Atlantic-Arctic planning workshop (Eileen Hofmann, ODU) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Part 2. Physical circulation and climate
9:00 Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) variability and the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) (Young-Oh Kwon, WHOI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
9:45 Mesoscale and submesoscale physical-biogeochemical interactions in the North Atlantic (Dennis McGillicuddy, WHOI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:00 Arctic sea ice and climate (Jim Overland, NOAA/PMEL) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:45 Beaufort Gyre dynamics and implications for North Atlantic-Arctic exchange (Andrey Proshutinsky, WHOI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
12:30 Networking Lunch
Part 3. Marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry
13:45 Response of North Atlantic ecosystems to climate change (Andy Pershing, GMRI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
14:30 North Atlantic bloom composition and vertical fluxes (Tatiana Rynearson, URI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
15:30 Arctic sea ice, primary productivity, and climate change (Paty Matrai, Bigelow) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
16:15 Overview of Arctic/North Atlantic ocean acidification (Jeremy Mathis, NOAA/PMEL) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
17:00 Panel discussion (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
17:30 Poster session and welcome reception (Clark 2 foyer)
Tuesday, July 22, 2013
8:15 Agency updates
- Debbie Bronk, NSF (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
- David Garrison, NSF (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
- Paula Bontempi, NASA (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
- Questions (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Plenary Session. The Biological Pump: Transport Mechanisms and Mesopelagic Processes
Part 1. Mechanisms of carbon transport to the ocean interior
Chairs: Matt Church (Univ. Hawaii), Adrian Burd (UGA), Craig Carlson (UCSB)
Overview talks
9:00 Vertical migration (Debbie Steinberg, VIMS) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
9:20 Passive particle flux (Ken Buesseler, WHOI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm
9:40 Physical delivery of DOM and microbial response (Craig Carlson, UCSB) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Focused talks
10:00 Autonomous sensors for quantifying mesopelagic carbon flux (Henry Bittig, GEOMAR) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
10:45 Grazer-mediated flux and episodic nature of salp flux on export (Stephanie Wilson, Bangor Univ.) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:15 Aggregation/disaggregation – modeling particle formation and the associated dynamics (Adrian Burd, UGA) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:45 Enzymatic activity/solubilization (Carol Arnosti, UNC) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
12:15 Panel discussion
Part 2. New insights into the biology and biogeochemistry of the mesopelagic zone
Chairs: Susanne Neuer (ASU), Carol Arnosti (UNC), Bethany Jenkins (URI)
Overview talk
14:00 Reconciling the carbon budget in the ocean’s twilight zone (Sarah Giering, NOC) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Focused talks
14:30 Investigating nitrogen remineralization in the mesopelagic with molecular and geochemical approaches (Alyson Santoro, UMCES) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
15:00 Coordinated factors on particles – quorum sensing (Ben Van Mooy, WHOI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
15:30 The effects of minerals on the aggregation, sinking, and destruction of POC (Christina De La Roca, Univ. Brest) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
16:15 The role of micronektonic vertical migrants in the ocean carbon pump (Santiago Hernández-León, Univ. Las Palmas) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
16:45 EXPORTS update (David Siegel, Univ. California, Santa Barbara) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
17:00 Panel discussion (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
17:30 Poster session
18:30 Workshop Dinner
Wednesday July 23, 2014
8:30 Student presentations (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Plenary Session. Advances in our Understanding of the Role of Sea Ice in the Global Carbon Cycle
Chairs: David Ho (Univ. Hawaii), Bill Asher (UW), Paty Matrai (Bigelow), Kristina Brown (UBC)
9:30 Present state of sea ice and the implications for air-sea interactions (Ted Maksym, WHOI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
10:30 Role of sea ice in global biogeochemical cycles (Clara Deal, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:15 CO2 biogeochemical cycling within and under sea ice (Nicholas Bates, BIOS) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
12:00 CO2 fluxes across the air-ice interface (Bruno Delille, Univ. Liege) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
14:00 Air-sea gas exchange in the sea ice zone (Brice Loose, URI) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
14:45 Modeling of the carbon cycle in the polar oceans (Manfredi Manizza, SIO) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
15:30 Panel discussion (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Plenary Session. The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI): Opportunities for the OCB Community
16:00 The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI): Opportunities for the OCB Community (Oscar Schofield, Rutgers) (Recording: Quicktime)
16:45 OOI Panel discussion and Q&A Session (Panelists: Oscar Schofield, Rutgers; Kendra Daly, USF; Tim Cowles, Consortium for Ocean Leadership) (Recording: Quicktime)
17:15 Poster session
17:15-19:00 Program managers research funding panel discussion (Carriage House, for students and postdocs only please)
Thursday July 24, 2014
A Formal External Review of the OCB Program
8:30 Results of the OCB Community Survey (Glenn Page, Sustainametrix) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
9:00 OCB messaging and communication (Fritz Holznagel, Sustainametrix) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
Community Discussion on Ocean Omics Data Infrastructure Needs
9:30 Introductory remarks (Bethany Jenkins, URI, Mak Saito, WHOI)
9:45 Questions and community discussion
Community Updates and Activities
11:00 Joint U.S. CLIVAR/OCB working group update: Southern Ocean Heat and Carbon Uptake (Joellen Russell, Univ. Arizona) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:15 OCB Scoping Workshop report: Improving predictive biogeochemical models through single cell-based analyses of marine plankton physiological plasticity, genetic diversity and evolutionary processes (Mike Lomas, Bigelow Laboratory) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:30 IMBER and Future Earth (Eileen Hofmann, ODU) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
11:45 International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) Update (Laura Lorenzoni, USF) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
12:00 Arctic-COLORS, a NASA Arctic Scoping Study (Joe Salisbury, UNH) (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
12:15 Adjourn (Recording: Quicktime, webm)
12:15 Lunch
13:00 OCB Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting (Clark 271, OCB SSC members and agency representatives)
3. Poster Information
Poster Sessions
- The Coupled North Atlantic-Arctic System: Processes and Dynamics
- The Biological Pump: Transport Mechanisms and Mesopelagic Processes
- Advances in our Understanding of the Role of Sea Ice in the Global Carbon Cycle
2014 OCB Workshop Poster List
2014 OCB Workshop Full Abstracts
4. Participant Information
2014 OCB Workshop Participant List
2014 Workshop Sponsors